
Tuesday 24 March 2015


It´s increasingly common to find in ski resorts pistes exclusively dedicated to this type of skiing, with increasingly sharp jumps, obstacles and difficult elements to perform almost impossible for most skiers.
The Freestyle has a complex variety of elements to make with a very high difficulty, but I intend with this post initiate you into this world, so I will focus on the basic jumps. However, in the end, you will find the competitions conducted by the most skilled in this area.

Image 1,Freestyle piste, by


The first thing to consider is the position. To do this, like skiing normally, we will drop the weight on the shins maintaining a relaxed posture, achieving the desired balance. The knee will be located approximately above the toes.

Image 2, correct and incorrect posture, by

Then we will practice the right time when we left the ramp for takeoff. To do this, jump from a standing position, legs fully extended and prompting .In the air will relax us, and when we touch the snow we will relax the muscles of the legs, absorbing the impact. Position during the jump must be centered with skis parallel to the surface of the snow.

When we have this clear, we will take action. We begin first with small jumps, controlling the approach speed and maintaining the posture seen before. Just at the end of the ramp will make this extension we had practiced.

Once in the air is important to maintain posture, avoiding move arms or delay or advance our position. If we unbalance the landing will be a fall.

 Image 3, perfect posture in the air, by

Finally, when landing, try to absorb the impact, spreading her legs just before touching the snow.

Here we can see the FIS freestyle skiing judging handbook:

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Monday 23 March 2015


Skydiving is the technique of launching humans or objects from a height using a parachute to cushion the impact, which can be done from any aircraft as aircraft or helicopter or fixed objects such as hills, buildings and bridges. Moreover, skydiving born for military purposes in the First World War, but it was not until 1970 when it was marketed as a recreational and sport activity style:

Next, we will discuss the different types of skydiving


  • Free Style:  During the flight stunts and tricks freeform similar to those of artistic gymnastics.
  • Free Fly: in this type the positions, shapes and directions are combinedduring the fly.
skydive baltimore md potomac skydiving Rockville Maryland Skydiving Gift Certificates tandem Skydiving dulles skydive stafford skydive maryland skydiving teams
Figure 1: Free Fly by Orange

  • Relative Work: This mode is performed figures or group formations in prone position.
Figure 2:  Relative Work by Skydiving Orange

  • Tracking: This type of flight displacement is more horizontal rather than seeing Vertical
  • Sky Surf: Performed with a table skyboard and enables movement very fast but it is a very complicated form that requires lots of practice and technic.
Figure.3: Sky Surf by Scary Peter

  • Wingsuit: a suit with special about the design of a flying squirrel is used, allowing glide through the air and looking for a more horizontal travel and high speeds are attained and can be fatal if it collides with a mountain as an example.
Figure 4: Wingsuit by lakmiseta

  • Tandem Jumping: two people jumping together by the harness. This type of flight is made ​​for beginners and people jumping together with an experienced jump.
  • BASE  You jump from a fixed platform, either a mountain or a bridge. Its meaning is: Building, Antenna, Span and Earth = BASE.Este type of jump is usually done in the cities from tall buildings.

Figure 5:  Base Jump by XtremeSpots

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Thursday 19 March 2015


In this post we are going to talk about how important it´s the warm up before you start skiing.
It´s very common in most people arrive to the ski resort and start skiing quickly without having warmed up, because the desire to make the first downs as soon as possible entails that we jump off the warm up. There are also a large number of skiers who think that with a few drops already have activated your body, but this is wrong, because in those first downs they could be injured due to not having warmed.
It´s important you keep in mind that the typical cold in ski resorts causes blood vessels to constrict, preventing proper blood circulation. Muscles contract and joints remain rigid, so no warming will increase the risk of injury.

Image 1, Injured skier, by elnortedecastilla

When we warming, we will increase the heart rate, getting to send more blood to the muscles, increasing the respiratory rate and increasing the temperature of the muscles, tendons and ligaments, in turn increasing the elasticity. Do not forget that we are going to get also  psychologically prepare for the activity, improving mental attitude, attention and concentration.

After seeing all these benefits, we should know that warming in skiing will be different from other sports, the weather differences that can be found, the material (boots, lots of clothes) and the surface, therefore, we will see in this series of videos the exercises that we can perform in the piste base.

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Sunday 15 March 2015


In this post we will discuss the different types of kayaks that exist and what materials they are made.

First, there are the kayaks made ​​of fiberglass, it is an excellent material because of its high buoyancy and light weight make it the ideal material for manufacturing kayaks, but there are two drawbacks:
  • They are very expensive
  • are very little impact resistant, so if it hits a rock or stone wall on a coast, the hull of the kayak may be cracked and
sinking.Tip: It is a good choice for little rocky trails and little surf spots. It's also a good idea to compete.

Image 1:  Kayak fiberglass by NauticExpo

Secondly, there are the plastic kayaks, is the most economical and cheapest type. His most notable qualities are great buoyancy, resistance and durability. This type of kayaks are the most resistant to impact and abrasion against rocks produced by the sea over time. In my opinion are the best kayaks that exist and are accessible to everyone. The only disadvantage is that they are heavier than fiberglass and detachable kayak.
Tip: use these kayaks for more dangerous areas: long waves, over cliffs and rocks, windy ... Ideal for beginners to the sport.

Image 2 plastic kayak
Thirdly, there detachable kayaks. This type of kayak are more insecure as a blow can remove the boat. These kayaks are composed of two parts: the helmet that is the fabric that is inflated, and the skeleton which is usually aluminum or plastic and is removable. The only advantage is that transport these kayaks does not require much space in the trunk of the car, not like the other two types of kayak to transport to whisk at the top of the boot.
Use this type of sea kayaks very quiet as we know that there is rocky areas or elements that can destroy our kayak.
Image 3: Detachable kayak by Mercury

Finally, we have the Kayak inflatable. These are filled with an air pump and are made ​​of nylon fabric or the like. This type of kayak is very dangerous if performed in areas with high rockness or sharp objects as they can crack the fabric and deflate the boat putting in a serious situation peligro.Ventajas. Easy transport and are very comfortable
Tip: use media very quiet exempt from dangers that can destroy the fabric
Resultado de imagen de kayak desmontable
Image.4: inflatable kayak by Sevylor.

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Saturday 14 March 2015


When we consider what to eat before, during and after a day of skiing, we must bear in mind that, in general, most people who go skiing seek to maximize the ski day, starting very early in the day and ending around 5 in the afternoon, with the closing of the ski resort. Therefore, this will involve many hours of physical exercise and tear for our body, so we have to maintain adequate nutrition.

Do not forget hydration, because through the sweat we will lose lots of fluids and minerals we need to replenish, so it is recommended to drink energy drinks or liquids with salts. It is important to know that not only should drink fluids when we are thirsty, so we must maintain a continuous hydration, and even more important is knowing that we should not take snow though we have very thirsty, because this will cause dehydration.

As for meals, breakfast has to be strong, rich in carbohydrates, to provide the necessary energy that we will need in the next few hours.

Image 1, sportsman meal example, by

During the day, it is important to bring snacks, nuts, energy bars or fruit, to replace energy from time to time taking advantage of increases in the chairlift or short breaks.

Image 2, energy bar, by webconsultas

If we eat in the ski resort, we should make a light meal, it must bear in mind that a very filling meal are going to generate heaviness, preventing skiing.

Finally, after exercise, we must replenish lost glycogen and amino acids, so no waiting long after exercise we must eat food rich in these nutrients.

As personal advice, I recommend carry a small backpack with liquid and food over, because otherwise probably be long until we replace liquids and nutrients, increased the risk of injury.

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In this post we'll talk about one of the adventure sports more popular in recent years because their practice is fully secure and offers another view of the beach and you can walk the coast with your kayak and is a major tourist attraction. It is estimated that the origin of the kayak as transportation is 5000 years old, originally from the tribes located north of North America: Canada and Alaska (now). Today it is practiced in a playful way as a way to explore the coast and enjoy the scenery, but there are also competitions.

First, there are two types of Kayaks:  
  • Kayaks Cover Open
Kayak, Rafting, Canoa, Hombre, Barco, Aventura
Image 1: Kayak open by Barryrjonesjr
  • Kayaks Cover Closed
File:Sea Kayak.JPG
Image 2: Kayak closed by Thruxton

This adventure sport can be practiced either solo (single-seater kayak) in the company (tandem kayak). To practice this sport the following materials are needed:
  • Kayak
  • Car
  • Paddle
  • Sea
  • T-shirt
  • Swimsuit
  • Hat

  • If you carry a cell phone over, keep it in a plastic bag.
  • Always carry water to hydrate.
  • It is recommended to wear sunglasses to protect eyes from sun reflecting in the water.
  • If the sea is rough and the wind is very strong, it is better not to leave. We always heed the lifeguard services.
  • Is preferable to row long and slow , to give short and quick strokes.
  • In the event that practiced solo or tandem will be to put the oar at the same time and by the same side of the kayak.  


Saturday 7 March 2015


Inside the Olympic Alpine Skiing Disciplines are the combined test, downhill, giant slalom, slalom and super G.
In this post I will describe briefly the characteristics of each test, so that you can see firsthand the world of competition in skiing, moving away from recreational sphere.

COMBINED: This test combines the performance of a downhill and slalom in two runs on the same day. To determine the winner, the sum of both tests be performed.
Skiers of this type are the most complete, gathering speed and skill needed to complete both tests.

DOWNHILL: Consists as its name suggests making a descent as quickly as possible. The route is longer than any other test. This is considered by many the most dangerous test, for very high speeds are achieved and failure could lead to a fatal accident.
Image 1, downhill, by nbcnews

SLALOM: This test involves performing two different sleeves in the shortest time possible, since the winner is the one that adds less time between the two. The route is the shortest, but it is a lot of gates with little distance between them. That is why the skier must show great skill.
Image 2, Slalom, by zimbio

GIANT SLALOM: The style of this test is very similar to the slalom, with the difference that the distance between the gates is much higher, as the route.
Image 3, Giant Slalom, by zimbio

SUPER G: In this mode only a descent is performed. Is a combination of downhill speed and skills needed to pass the gates of a giant slalom. The winner is the skier who spends less time on the descent.
Image 4, Super G, by zimbio

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