
Sunday 3 May 2015


In this post we will teach the technique of paddling rafting. These techniques are designed for teamwork and white waters


  1. Position rowersevenly on both sides of the raft. Paddlers should kneel on your knees, sit on benches or straddle the buoyancy tubes when they fight.
Image 1: How to sit in the raft by Sports Adventure
  1. Keep the blade by hand inside the top of the paddle and hand out, knuckles facing out, grabbing the low rowing on its stem.
  2. Lean forward and insert the blade in the water. Dip the blade completely below the surface.
Image 2: Insert the blade in the water by Stock footage
  1. Stretch your upper arm while pulling back on the paddle with the lower arm to draw through the water. This is the standard palette to forward.
  2. Reverse the movement forward backpaddle. Dip the blade and pull the  arms upper back while the lower arm extends.
  3. Make the right side of the raft (from the perspective of the paddler) paddle back, while paddles left forward to activate the right of the arc. Reverse this procedure to go left.
  4. Get the scoop, dip deep and pull towards you to remove race, pulling the raft in the direction of your paddle stroke.
  5. Dip your paddle near raft and out to pry stroke, or move the raft sideways away from the direction of your paddle stroke.
  6. Contact your rafting equipment and work together.

Tips & Warnings

  • Rowing is all about teamwork. Choose a captain, beam with more experience, to say aloud the instructions for all to work together.
  • Always wear a life vest when rafting.
  • River rafting is an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death . We recommend that you seek proper training and equipment before attempting this activity team.

Here you attach a video explaining how rowing

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