
Sunday 3 May 2015


So far in the materials section we saw in detail the features of our ski material, but once the ski season ends, we must keep properly all our equipment, because if not, all the time and money invested in to acquire the material with the highest quality possible, will be for nothing, not giving us a pleasant surprise when we go to use it the following year.
With these tips you will find the material in the same conditions that when you kept it, so follow closely each tips and do not skip any step.

Skis: By many factors our skis may have been damaged during the ski season, so as an advice, before saving it we should wax and sharpen the edges, finding the skis in perfect condition when we return to use. The fact of repair them before saving will allow us to prevent oxidation thereof. If you do not know how to repair them, youcan carry to any store or shop skis.
It may be that we have had a very favorable skiing conditions and our skis are not damaged, so you will not need to spend money to repair, but if you want a perfect preservation you have to clean and dry the skis, avoiding the humidity. It is also advisable to keep them separate to avoid friction. Ideally hang on the wall separately through hooks. If this is not possible, we should keep them in the ski bag.

Image 1, skis support, by nevasport

Bindings: In the case of bindings is not so much about how to keep, but we should check them before the next use, making sure they are working properly. However, you do have to be careful to loosen before keep them.

Boots: The main precaution we have to take to keep the boots is dry them , so we can disassemble them and air them. We must also keep them closed, without tightening too much, thus preventing warping.

Image 2, boots bag, by wedze

Ski poles: They require no special care, just check everything it´s correct.

As for the clothes and accessories, we must keep dry and clean, in warm and dry place in their respective bags or boxes.

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