
Sunday 17 May 2015


Tomorrow we will do a presentation in the University of Alicante at 9:56 am (UCT/GMT +1). You can whatch us through this post

Sunday 3 May 2015


So far in the materials section we saw in detail the features of our ski material, but once the ski season ends, we must keep properly all our equipment, because if not, all the time and money invested in to acquire the material with the highest quality possible, will be for nothing, not giving us a pleasant surprise when we go to use it the following year.
With these tips you will find the material in the same conditions that when you kept it, so follow closely each tips and do not skip any step.

Skis: By many factors our skis may have been damaged during the ski season, so as an advice, before saving it we should wax and sharpen the edges, finding the skis in perfect condition when we return to use. The fact of repair them before saving will allow us to prevent oxidation thereof. If you do not know how to repair them, youcan carry to any store or shop skis.
It may be that we have had a very favorable skiing conditions and our skis are not damaged, so you will not need to spend money to repair, but if you want a perfect preservation you have to clean and dry the skis, avoiding the humidity. It is also advisable to keep them separate to avoid friction. Ideally hang on the wall separately through hooks. If this is not possible, we should keep them in the ski bag.

Image 1, skis support, by nevasport

Bindings: In the case of bindings is not so much about how to keep, but we should check them before the next use, making sure they are working properly. However, you do have to be careful to loosen before keep them.

Boots: The main precaution we have to take to keep the boots is dry them , so we can disassemble them and air them. We must also keep them closed, without tightening too much, thus preventing warping.

Image 2, boots bag, by wedze

Ski poles: They require no special care, just check everything it´s correct.

As for the clothes and accessories, we must keep dry and clean, in warm and dry place in their respective bags or boxes.

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In this post we will teach the technique of paddling rafting. These techniques are designed for teamwork and white waters


  1. Position rowersevenly on both sides of the raft. Paddlers should kneel on your knees, sit on benches or straddle the buoyancy tubes when they fight.
Image 1: How to sit in the raft by Sports Adventure
  1. Keep the blade by hand inside the top of the paddle and hand out, knuckles facing out, grabbing the low rowing on its stem.
  2. Lean forward and insert the blade in the water. Dip the blade completely below the surface.
Image 2: Insert the blade in the water by Stock footage
  1. Stretch your upper arm while pulling back on the paddle with the lower arm to draw through the water. This is the standard palette to forward.
  2. Reverse the movement forward backpaddle. Dip the blade and pull the  arms upper back while the lower arm extends.
  3. Make the right side of the raft (from the perspective of the paddler) paddle back, while paddles left forward to activate the right of the arc. Reverse this procedure to go left.
  4. Get the scoop, dip deep and pull towards you to remove race, pulling the raft in the direction of your paddle stroke.
  5. Dip your paddle near raft and out to pry stroke, or move the raft sideways away from the direction of your paddle stroke.
  6. Contact your rafting equipment and work together.

Tips & Warnings

  • Rowing is all about teamwork. Choose a captain, beam with more experience, to say aloud the instructions for all to work together.
  • Always wear a life vest when rafting.
  • River rafting is an inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death . We recommend that you seek proper training and equipment before attempting this activity team.

Here you attach a video explaining how rowing

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Saturday 2 May 2015


Is advisable that the first out in the kayak do after making adequate training on safety aspects and basic navigation. It is also advisable, as far as possible to navigate in the company and if possible accompanied by more experienced kayakers.

The sport of kayaking, like any other sport involving the nature, can be dangerous, unpredictable and physically demanding. Always apply common sense and provides the following tips for beginners to kayak

1)  Plan all your kayaking routes:

A. Check weather reports and sea conditions during the period of time you're going to be in the water. It is important to look at the trend of the meteorological variables even before and after the expected range navigation. The forecast may not be accurate. It provides an anticipation of adverse weather conditions.
B. Consider your fitness and other possible physical limitations. Do not overestimate your abilities, be honest with your limits.
C. According to this information, select shipping point, route and point of disembarkation avoiding open sea navigation. Try to sail close to the coast where to find a shelter if necessary. Not far more than 2 nautical miles from a safe landing point.

2) Communicate your plan to people known indicating the route, the start and arrival. . Also reports any change in the route before or during navigation

3) Prepare your navigation device:

The kayak:
A. Use a safe kayak that has adequate buoyancy and lifelines. In case of emergency not separate yourself from it because it can act lifeguard float.
B. Carrying a spare paddle.
C. Paddle float.
D. Bilge pump, sponge or container.
E. Charts, topographic maps, paths.
F. Guidance systems: compass navigation in the foredeck
G.Spare warm clothing in waterproof bag.
Image 1: Kayak equipment by Scotty
The paddler:
A. Always use a flotation aid or life jacket. Make sure it is properly seated.
B. Avoid hypothermia: Different combinations of thermal, waterproof shirts, neoprene or dry suits provide comfort against the moderate cold
C.Secure your photoprotection: The sun and the sunlight reflected from the sea produce heat stroke, burns and chronic skin diseases. Use sunscreens, clothing and hats that filter frequencies harmful UV sunlight. Also eyes should be protected with suitable glasses to avoid direct and reflected solar radiation. The glasses also avoid splashes which can cause eye irritation.
D. Wear a helmet if the activity requires.
E. It includes in your computer telephone and / or VHF radio.
F. Out rescue and towing.
G. Guidance systems: navigational compass, bearing compass, quadrant vest.
Image 2: Essential Kayak gear by Randy Leake
In an accessible place and kayak
A. Always carry enough water and food.
B. Distress signals (whistle, waterproof flashlight, strobe lights, flares red).
C. First aid kit.
D. Duct tape and basic repair kit.

4) Check equipment and capabilities before sailing.

A. Check the condition of the material. In particular check for rechargeable batteries can be downloaded in the absence of use, bilge pump operation and calibration of compass.
B. Check that the spray skirt is perfectly positioned and that the casings are tightly closed.
C. Check the correct operation of the keel or rudder and are ready for use.
D. Check that your physical condition is suitable for navigation planned always thinking that you should keep an energy reserve in case any incident happens not provided.
E. Try to have the proper training to use properly all equipment.
F. Before starting the route, it is a good practice to test the re-entry maneuvers the kayak rollover you have previously taught.

5) Safe browsing

A. Try sailing in company.
B. Avoid embark / disembark in surf with waves of more than 50 cm.
C. Always know your situation helping the reckoning and through orientation with map and compass or optionally with GPS.
D. With swell must navigate far enough from the coast and shallow water to avoid tipping due to the waves.
E. Pay attention when navigating near headlands, points and piers where the wind can be accelerated and the sea becomes agitated and unstable.
F. If you surprise a strong wind or current toward a dangerous coastal area, set the course to keep in the safe zone and that best addresses in the kayak toward shelter.
G. If you surprise a strong wind or current towards the open sea, sets the course to avoid being dragged. With this wind it is dangerous situated more than two nautical miles offshore. Try to steer the kayak out of the wind.
H. Avoid navigate in poor visibility but if you're surprised or fog gets dark while browsing, first orientate the compass, the sun, the sound of the surf or wave direction. Second, try to stay in the safe navigation not wander too far from the coast or too close to the breakers and third, locate and go to a safe landing point. If you think you may have other vessels in the area it emits acoustic signals and uses a watertight flashlight or strobelight so that you can be reached.

6) In emergency situation

A. If unfortunately and despite well-planned navigation, you're in an emergency situation it is highly recommended to think about the situation before you act rashly. You must observe the conditions that have put us in difficulty, assess the situation and make the best possible decision in time for our security we get worse not. If you do not know what to do in case of trouble, stay calm, conserve energy, take protective measures against cold injury and tries to help.
B. If you believe the conditions exceed your ability to control the kayak or find a safe place, launches a distress message in time with the phone number of maritime emergencies 900 202 202 or through channel 16 VHF station. You must be prepared to communicate your position as clearly and accurately as possible the rescue service. In any case follow the instructions of rescue personnel.

Image 3: by Turismo

Here we show you some tips for kayakers:

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Friday 1 May 2015


Know the security techniques is critical to venture into the sea. Still, we should note that not enough to know the techniques, but also the most basic avoid situations that require us to perform these techniques. Thus, we distinguish two types of security:. Active safety and passive safety

Active safety is the different techniques that we learn to "act" when we are in certain risk. Passive safety is prior, and basically have a boat in good condition and adequate, according to the output isvery important.
The security concept should be interpreted as  we must remember that canoeing is an adventure sport that may have a certain danger for the changing environment in which we operate but we must realize that the adventure with kayaking sea must not be sought in the risk factors.


The recklessness does not lead to anything positive, and the same can be said of ignorance. We must know the techniques, but hopefully we never make them. Too careful, and this is where comes into play the concept of passive safety factors:.
triangle passive safety is based on three
  • Meteorological conditions
  • Fitness / Experience
  • equipment and materials
The three factors combined between if we indicate the previous level You must assume a landlocked. If not tested each of the triangle's sides equally, there is a risk factor.
In this regard, before getting into the water we know and appreciate the elements necessary for safer kayaking, assess the capacity self and group and adopt a critical attitude towards the practices that do not comply with safety principles. This is a maximum not forget: with good equipment can prevent many of the circumstances that necessitate the use of active safety techniques, while you can provide them.

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Both in Spain ski resorts and in other international ski resorts is betting on a new way of skiing, night skiing. The Km available for skiing under the stars depend on the illuminated surface to put at our disposal the ski resort, but it is certainly a great experience that we will hardly be able to make unless we go to these specialized pistes.

The ski resort of Sierra Nevada, located in the province of Granada, opens the piste "El Río" with 3.3 km long illuminated by 34 spotlights, from 19:30 to 22:00 hours Thursday and Saturday.
To ensure the quality of the snow, once the ski resort closes they crush the snow again in this piste, leaving it perfect for use.

Image 1, Sierra Nevada, by sierranevada

In the Pyrenees also we find this possibility, as is the case in Masella, which has a network of lights that illuminate 13 ski pistes in tights and low altitudes, making it the largest ski resort with the area illuminated by floodlights in the Pyrenees. In addition, after finishing the night journey, we can enjoy the best cuisine the best atmosphere.
These schedules are every Thursday from 18:15 to 20:15 and Friday and Saturday from 18:30 to 21:30.

Image 2, Masella, by solonieve

Another ski resort in the Pyrenees that has joined this form of skiing is Grandvalira, Andorra, betting on the slopes of “La Solana” Thursday and Saturday from 17:00 to 20:00, whenever weather conditions permit this. Furthermore, it is enabled for lovers of Freestyle the Sunset Park Peretol.

Image 3, Grandvalira, by Nevasport

As we have seen, I have analyzed some of the stations of the Iberian Peninsula who opt for night skiing, but there are many more who have joined this fashion, which I recommend to all skiers as a new experience that insurance is not will regret.

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Thursday 30 April 2015


National Yellowstone  Park  is a national park located in the United States, primarily in the state of Wyoming, although it spans Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone, widely considered the world's oldest national park, is renowned for its diverse wildlife and geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular attractions in the park. Despite having multiple ecosystems, the subalpine forest is dominant.

Image 1: Entrance to Yellowstone by Altheclem

The Yellowstone Park, in fact, is always open,but in winter visit can book some problems. The snow around here is no joke. And indeed most of the roads are closed during winter. The same is true of access. To enter the park, in fact there are five entries arranged roughly radially around the entire length of the park, and only one, the north entrance,is open all year. The nearest town is Gardiner (right on the state border in Montana). The other entries are opened based on the climate:the west entrance,near the town of West Yellowstone, it is open from late April to early November and for vehicles equipped with 4 × 4 tires or snow from 15 March to 15 December. This entry is considered as the best to find accommodation as to sites outside the park boundaries.

The south entrance,located on the road to Yellowstone to Grand Teton National Park, you can go from mid-May to early November for the 4 × 4 with chains also from mid-December to mid-March.

Then there is the option of the northeast(north entrance),not far from the town of Cooke City,normally closed from November to April and the East (east entrance) near Cody, open from May to December.But this is pure theory: the true calendar is related to weather conditions. If winter brings big snowfall dates may change fall.
The  best time to visit Yellowstone National Park runs from spring through early. Then, in mid-October, heavy snowfalls start. The average altitude of Yellowstone (1700 meters) makes the climate is temperate summer and excludes wildlife venomous snakes who can not live at this altitude. If the summer is ideal in terms of climate there but remember that coincides with the holiday period of the Americans, so it is best to avoid, if possible, the second half of July and the first half of August. Best September and October or June

Image 2: Bisons ins Yellowstone by Daniel Mayer


One area that should not be missed in the park is the geyser country:here are about 300 geysers.And about 180 are concentrated in the area called Upper Geyser Basin.The Yellowstone Geyser most photographed is undoubtedly the Old Faithful, every hour and half fires a steam jet of 30 to 60 meters.And the surprising thing is that since 1870 has not missed one of the appointments!

Image 3: Old Faithful by Riccardo

Then in the Midway Geyser is one of the main attractions of Yellowstone, the colorful Grand Prismatic Spring,whose image often appears as if a strange place on our planet.
Image 4: Grand Prismatic Spring by Unknow World


One of the more fascinating areas of Yellowstone Park is the center of which is Lake Yellowstone.The summer water is crystal clear, like a mirror to admire the mountains. This is not only the largest mountain lake in North America,is also surrounded by a network of walking trails ideal surrounded by an idyllic landscape.

Image 5: Yellowstone lake by duke

From here the possibilities are many. Walking about ten km walk you can reach unique as it has the views. Hayden Valley or Valley Pellican

Image 6: Hayden Valley by

If desired, during the summer, you can take long walks on the trails through the park. According to a recent census Yellowstone Park there are over 2000 km of trails through a network of well-designedpaths.In any case, to enter the park you need to pay an entry that is valid seven days and costs 25$ for a car and 20$ for amotorcycle.To walkor bike have to spend 12$.For those who decide to visit Yellowstone Park on two wheels not motorized no dedicated roads and we must be careful not to use the paths reserved for pedestrians. Detailed maps and instructions are available at the park entrances and parking areas, bungalows, camping, etc ....

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With this post we are going to finish the series of publications in which we have analyzed the material to use when we go skiing, after seeing the characteristics of ski boots, skis, protection against shocks and sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun.

Now let's talk about the clothes, the quality is not going to influence our ski technique as important as other factors but it´s important in our comfort and our body temperature.

Increasingly the skiwear brands invest more money and research to get better quality garments, so just have to select our clothes properly and not have to worry about the cold anymore.

In the world of skiing, we talk about the "3 layers" to the top, so let's analyze their importance:
First layer: Its function is to maintain body temperature and be breathable, preventing sweat remains in our body. I personally recommend a thermal shirt for use as first layer garment.
Second layer: Its function is to warm the body and expel the body moisture out. If temperatures are not too extreme you can use a fleece, and if yes, fleece and waistcoat. An advantage of fleece than a jersey it´s that the fleece its lightness and provide higher heat transfer.

Third layer: This layer is to protect us from the wind and humidity, so it must be windstoper and waterproof, but ensuring breathability. The seams must be heat sealed to prevent water from entering.

Image 1, three layers efect, by nevasport

Analyzed these layers of the top, we will see the features that have to have ski pants.
This garment must be waterproof, breathable and windstoper, like the 3rd layer from the top. Under pants we can value the option to wear a thermal mesh, getting that in the days when temperatures are very low, we have no sensation of cold in the legs.

Finally we will talk about the accessories, because even follow the previous advices, without the right accesories our protection against the cold will not help.

Beginning in the head, if we have a quality helmet, this will provide the necessary heat. In case you don´t use ski helmet, something not recommended, you should use a cap that cover our ears.

Personally, I use a balaclava to cover my neck and the back of the head and face, leaving only my nose free to breathe and avoid my goggle fogging. I use the balaclava under the helmet.

Another must-have accessory are the gloves. In fact, if you have forgotten the gloves you cannot ski. I recommend use waterproof, breathable and windstopper gloves.

Finally, as already noted in another post, the socks must be of quality, both to protect us from the cold and to prevent pain from compression.

We are going to see this information in the next presentation with images:

Wednesday 29 April 2015


Mount Hua Shan,is in the Shanxi Province,120 km east of the city of Xi'ian and near Huayin in China. Originally, it consisted of three peaks, but today, this sacred place has five peaks, of which the highest is the South Peak, 2,160 m. It is one of the Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism.

If you have no fear of heights and are a good climber, then you can dare this adventure, the path of world's most dangerous trails.Chances are you going to shake your legs.

This route is a mountain of China, called MountHuashan.To begin the climb you have to climb a huge set of stairs carved in stone stairssky.These stairs go up so high in the mountains it is hard to see where they end. As if that were not enough, after the stairs, other stairs leading to a precarious path made ​​of wooden planks.Nobody will force you to use any safety equipment, but its use is highly recommended. The road is extremely dangerous and impressive, but what you will find at the end of the route is truly shocking.

The stairs, though beautiful, are quite daunting!

     Image 1 and 2: Huashan stairs by Imgarcade             

Is a one of the most dangerous hiking routes in the world. Due to official censorship of the Chinese government, the death tolls are not usually made ​​public, and there are a couple of good reasons for that. A political order is to avoid diplomatic incidents, since the number of Western travelers is considerable; other economic, is the profit obtained by the country in respect of tourists (and no one wants to scare the tourists); yet another reason Tourist order is that the same black legend 'death row'.

At the end of the tour the famous wooden boards why have to go to climb to the top are. There are chains on the wall to hold on and not fall. Yet the danger is very high.

Image 3 and 4: Wood planks by Riccardo

To prevent falls, it is recommended to take a chest harness and carabiners go hooked to the wall rams are enabled for use.

Image 5 and 6: People climbing chest harness by Riccardo

At the end of the route we will find a unique and beautiful views. In addition to an old Taoist temple become bar of tea:
Image 7: Top of Huashan Mountain by GrupoEuropa

is customary to reach the mountain top leaving a padlock on the chains

Image 7 and 8: Padlocks on the top

You can also reach the north peak of Mount by cable car route.

Image 9: Huashan cable car

Here we attach a video of the route:

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