
Thursday 30 April 2015


National Yellowstone  Park  is a national park located in the United States, primarily in the state of Wyoming, although it spans Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone, widely considered the world's oldest national park, is renowned for its diverse wildlife and geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular attractions in the park. Despite having multiple ecosystems, the subalpine forest is dominant.

Image 1: Entrance to Yellowstone by Altheclem

The Yellowstone Park, in fact, is always open,but in winter visit can book some problems. The snow around here is no joke. And indeed most of the roads are closed during winter. The same is true of access. To enter the park, in fact there are five entries arranged roughly radially around the entire length of the park, and only one, the north entrance,is open all year. The nearest town is Gardiner (right on the state border in Montana). The other entries are opened based on the climate:the west entrance,near the town of West Yellowstone, it is open from late April to early November and for vehicles equipped with 4 × 4 tires or snow from 15 March to 15 December. This entry is considered as the best to find accommodation as to sites outside the park boundaries.

The south entrance,located on the road to Yellowstone to Grand Teton National Park, you can go from mid-May to early November for the 4 × 4 with chains also from mid-December to mid-March.

Then there is the option of the northeast(north entrance),not far from the town of Cooke City,normally closed from November to April and the East (east entrance) near Cody, open from May to December.But this is pure theory: the true calendar is related to weather conditions. If winter brings big snowfall dates may change fall.
The  best time to visit Yellowstone National Park runs from spring through early. Then, in mid-October, heavy snowfalls start. The average altitude of Yellowstone (1700 meters) makes the climate is temperate summer and excludes wildlife venomous snakes who can not live at this altitude. If the summer is ideal in terms of climate there but remember that coincides with the holiday period of the Americans, so it is best to avoid, if possible, the second half of July and the first half of August. Best September and October or June

Image 2: Bisons ins Yellowstone by Daniel Mayer


One area that should not be missed in the park is the geyser country:here are about 300 geysers.And about 180 are concentrated in the area called Upper Geyser Basin.The Yellowstone Geyser most photographed is undoubtedly the Old Faithful, every hour and half fires a steam jet of 30 to 60 meters.And the surprising thing is that since 1870 has not missed one of the appointments!

Image 3: Old Faithful by Riccardo

Then in the Midway Geyser is one of the main attractions of Yellowstone, the colorful Grand Prismatic Spring,whose image often appears as if a strange place on our planet.
Image 4: Grand Prismatic Spring by Unknow World


One of the more fascinating areas of Yellowstone Park is the center of which is Lake Yellowstone.The summer water is crystal clear, like a mirror to admire the mountains. This is not only the largest mountain lake in North America,is also surrounded by a network of walking trails ideal surrounded by an idyllic landscape.

Image 5: Yellowstone lake by duke

From here the possibilities are many. Walking about ten km walk you can reach unique as it has the views. Hayden Valley or Valley Pellican

Image 6: Hayden Valley by

If desired, during the summer, you can take long walks on the trails through the park. According to a recent census Yellowstone Park there are over 2000 km of trails through a network of well-designedpaths.In any case, to enter the park you need to pay an entry that is valid seven days and costs 25$ for a car and 20$ for amotorcycle.To walkor bike have to spend 12$.For those who decide to visit Yellowstone Park on two wheels not motorized no dedicated roads and we must be careful not to use the paths reserved for pedestrians. Detailed maps and instructions are available at the park entrances and parking areas, bungalows, camping, etc ....

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