
Wednesday 22 April 2015


Undoubtedly, along with skis, boots are the material we better should choose when we go skiing. This post is especially focused on those you who are thinking of buying your own material, because in the case of rent it in the ski resort the variety of boots will be low and probably not 100% suitable for you, however, persons responsible for the rent will advise you.

As we know, the main function of ski boots is holding the skier feet and ankles and transmit the movements, since they are the only contact of the body with skis.
They must also ensure the proper temperature in the skier's feet, regardless of the type of socks that we use (such as personal recommendation, however the boot will be very good, if we use the inadequate sock or it´s poorly placed, most likely force us to stop and stop skiing to adjust or change, since they can provoke big pain in the skier).

Image 1, ski boot, by peterglenn

When we choosing them, we should be guided according to our level, as this will lead to the choice of boots for a degree of rigidity or another (Flex).
The smaller this Flex (rigidity), the boots are more flexible, and the higher the Flex, the boots are more rigid, and therefore more precise.
For beginners the Flex should be less than 60, intermediate between 70 and 90 and experts above 100, with the exception of those heavy skiers should choose a higher level Flex.

Another big question that arises is to choose the boot size, but is very simple, we only need to know the length of our foot in centimeters, which can be measured in any store thanks to simple materials they possess.

After assimilate this information, we must end with the most important step, try on the boots. The foot should be properly secured and fingers should be able to move freely. Since the 10 ski day the ski boot lose between 30 and 40% of its volume, we must be careful not to choose boots too wide, because if so will end up staying big.

Image 2, ski boot size table, by snowandrock

Here are some more tips when try on the boot:

1- Use ski socks.
2- If you try on the boots in the store and get tighten the boot to the maximum, mean that is too wide, because the foot is dilated by the temperature of the store.
3- The fingers should touch the toe of the boot when sitting and stop touching her when you get up.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi guys!
    post very useful for all those who love the snow. Starting today , I will listen to experts like you.
