
Wednesday 22 April 2015


As modern societies are developing the phenomenon of sport becomes more important. At the same time the most advanced societies are more aware of the need for adequate protection of the environment. Both trends require a balance that makes them compatible.
The spectacular development of sport in recent years has revealed the existence of practices associated with environmental problems and sports facilities, implying that, in many cases, sport constitutes a considerable impact on the environment.

The environmental quality is a term that should integrate all phenomena that affect one way or another to the environment, not just those that at first glance can be considered as contaminants.

The rapid progression of environmental degradation, diffusion and the increasing demand of sport at all levels of society, consumption spaces, partial or total occupation of natural areas, and consumption of buildings and materials by the athletic populations are valid reasons and arguments rather than powerful for immediate development of actions that reconciles the interests of sport and the environment.
Image 1 by EcologiaVerde

The solution to the dispute raised by the binomial sport / environment through the concept of sustainable development, defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Image 2: Sustainable development

Sport policy must adjust to this sustainability, accepting their role in protecting the environment. The sports system has to take co-responsibility with this protection, through proper planning of facilities and sports and correct environmental use of sport, so that sport can be performed in sustained balance, ensuring access for practitioners mountain sports to the natural environment. Absolutely essential for your sport.

For this reason we should care for the environment as users of the mountain and nature. Here we show some general tips to keep the environment clean and care:
  • Do not make noise during sports practice.
  • Do not litter the environment with inorganic and organic:;  plastics, beverage cans, batteries ... You can endanger life wildlife.
  • Never make fires in the forest.
  • Respect wildlife:
    • Do not feed them.
    • Do not catch the animals.
    • Do not approach newborn puppies or nesting areas.

  • Do not damage any plant or geological structure or mineral, particularly those equipped with a special or protected interest
  • While camping do not furrows , streaks or modifications of property: camping must adapt to the place, not the place to camp

If you have junk, keep them all in a plastic bag and throw them in a dumpster . If not , we will keep the bag and we'll throw when we can.

Image 3: Dumpster

Is in our power to help the environment continue to enjoy everything it offers. Moreover, just leave a better place for future generations to enjoy the same way that we do nature of the
Is in our power to help the environment continue to enjoy everything it offers. Moreover, just leave a better place for future generations to enjoy the same way that we do of the Nature.

Image 4:Save the environment by tourism and food

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