
Saturday 11 April 2015


The  wingsuit is a form of skydiving in which a suit with wings with the purpose of planning. With these costumes, the sense of speed is higher than that taken into freefall. In this mode, the athlete jumps equipped with a special suit that has membranes link arms and the bodybband between her legs. The costume design is based on flying squirrels, which they plan to move between the trees.

Normally flights are made ​​from a JUMP BASE or helicopters, but never from airplanes, because the planes fly at high altitudes and there are many strong air currents and can cause instability .
steph ian 2 way
Image 1: back view during the fly by Steph Davis

The Wingsuits has a parachute to open at the time we have dropped sufficiently high.
Image 2:  wingsuit parachute by Asylum Designs

The material we need to practice this sport is:
  • Boots: if we're going to jump from a base in a mountain, we walk uploading and prevent accidents have to use boots
  • Helmet: to protect the head from possible shocks
  • Material of protection: to protect our legs rubbing during flight, because there may be areas where we pass near the ground or vegetation and we can hit.
    • Gloves
    • Elbow protectors.
    • Knee / Shin protectors.
    • Chest protector.
  • Wingsuit
Image 3:  Protection equipment by Jeb Corliss            Image 4: Skydiving Helmet by Jeb Corliss

Here we show you a video of a flight of Jeb Corliss:



  1. I would love to play this sport and feel like an eagle planning among mountains, but I also know cases of many people who have lost their lives ...

  2. Hi, many of the accidents are inflicted due to unkwon the route of the flight or the weather condition because the variation of the force of the wing in determinate places can you to lose the balance and fall to the ground or vary your trayectory and smash against the mountain or ground.

  3. Wooow!! The experience of doing something like that should be amazing and unforgettable but also dangerous.
