
Monday 6 April 2015


It is very common to see people starting in skiing trying to learn on their own or with the help of a friend who has more knowledge in this sport.
It is also very common, in more experienced people trying to improve their style only going to ski many days or striving to devote more hours than they really are necessary for this. In the best case, people try to put into practice what they learned through reading articles, tips on television and web pages, videos about the skill…

In this post I'll explain why I think that somehow make it all is an unnecessary waste of time, because we are devoting many hours to something we could learn incredibly faster training with the supervision of a qualified instructor and following their instructions.

I'll explain how the monitor figure can help you in three phases:

We cannot expect to get to the ski resort, put the boots and start to slide down the snow like a person who has skied all his life, is something that we will understand only when we take contact with the snow. Once at this point, if we try to learn for ourselves what we will get is to have spent our time to get only not to fall 2 meters starting down. If we have the help of a ski instructor, we are going to make all necessary steps to be progressing in a proper way, because they are prepared to teach and learn all phases that we are going to through in our learning.

Image 1, Child learning with a ski instructor, by lavanguardia
Medium level:
At this point we have learned proper technique for skiing on all types of pistes, except perhaps the most difficult, but really would we be able to use proper technique that allows us to combine skill and speed? The answer is probably no. Clearly, if we devote many hours to this sport, we are going to improve our technique, but probably unnecessarily we are going to acquire vices that make our technique incorrect, so my advice is to enlist the help of a monitor from time to time to correct our vices and we can accelerate progress towards an advanced level.

Image 2, Medium level skiers with an instructor, by valledetena
Advanced level:
When we reached this level probably will not have any doubt about the technique and know perfectly control our movements, but there is always something to learn, and a instructor, after analyzing our level, knows how orienting us and giving advices to, through some time with them, make the most of our ski level.

Image 3, Custom class to improve the level, by lugaresdenieve

1 comment:

  1. From the first moment I started skiing I hired an instructor, and personally I think I advanced much faster than a few friends who didn´t do it, so I totally agree with this article.
