
Sunday 26 April 2015


Today I´m going to speak about artificial snowmaking. For those that you have never heard of this term, when we refer to snowmaking we are talking about the process by which the various ski resorts make their own snow.

Image 1, by portafolioblog

Currently the snow making is being modernizing and deploying increasingly in all ski resorts, allowing to have snow on the ski slopes although it has not snowed, provided that the conditions of humidity and temperature are adequate. Moreover, the snow quality is often the same.

To produce this snow, they need a series of strategically snow cannons placed along the tracks, to cover the largest possible number of kilometers. Within these snow cannons, we can find several types according to their characteristics:

High pressure cannons: This type of cannons are the most used and located along the slopes. Operate through a system of underground pipes that provides the necessary water for snowmaking. Its mode of operation is to throw water droplets with air pressure to remain longer in the air and achieved better snow quality.

Image 2, high pressure cannons, by marca

Low pressure cannons: These cannons are used less because they are more expensive, heavy and difficult to move. Water is also supplied through a piping system and projected into very small droplets. To push the water, they use an electric fan located inside the fan who can reach up to 80 meters is used.

Image 3, low pressure cannon, by nevasport

Autocannon: Finally we have this kind of cannons placed on a turntable, allowing throw water in several directions. The fact that they are automatic allows them to study weather conditions across a weather station inside, deciding when, how and in what direction produce snow.

Image 4, autocannon, by sierranevada

Here we can see two videos to complete our knowledge about snow making process

1 comment:

  1. The snowmaking is very important as there are some ski resorts located in mountain ranges where it does not snow as much as others but if it´s cold and conditions are optimal for the use of these cannons, so we can skiing.
