
Saturday 18 April 2015


Introduction: rafting is a sport and recreational activity which consists of walking the runway rivers in the direction of flow (downstream), usually on some kind of boat (kayak or canoe).The rivers that are sailed have some degree of turbulence,they also are called rivers "whitewater" because this color is characteristic of the foam generating turbulence in the water bodies.
Image 1: Rafting Rafting in whitewaters by Cub Activ

The most common boats used are the raft, the canoe or kayak,which may be rigid or inflatable.

Image 2: Rafting with inflatable kayak by TodayHoliday             Image 3: Canoe Rafting by Deportesextremos

In the rafting there is a widely accepted international classification to classify rivers according to their degree of difficulty to navigate them:
  • Grade 1: Very easy. Almost flat water, very little troubled with small waves fully navigable.
  • Grade 2: Easy. Water a little rough with gaps and holes no more than 25 inches, small eddies without danger to an intermediate swimmer.
  • Grade 3: Troubled waters with hollows and medium waves of no more than one meter, swirls care for a swimmer and some consideration for a boat. Navigation requires good technique and knowledge of the river. There are some technical steps of attention.
  • Grade 4: Hard. But predictable very turbulent white water. Holes and waves up to two meters, considerable eddies for a boat. Consideration cascades may exist. Navigation requires very good technique and knowledge of the river. There are narrow passages that require complicated technical maneuvers.
  • Grade 5:  Expert. Little predictable very turbulent white water with waves and holes over two meters. Swirls and waterfalls of danger. Requires a degree of expert technical and very good knowledge of the river. Need for highly technical maneuvers.
  • Grade 6: Extremely difficult or not navigable. It is considered very difficult or impossible to navigate.

The international federation of rafting (IRF) created a code of visual signals to communicate when traveling in groups:
River signals Vidra EN
Image 4: River signals by IRF
In the next posts will discuss the materials that will be needed to practice this sport and water safety.

Here we show a video of a route rafting the Grand Canyon:

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  1. Great introduction to the rafting sport, but i would like to know about how to paddle in whitewaters rivers and some kind of routes that i could make in spain,because some time ago i practised kayak but now i would like to try new risky sports in the water like rafting.

  2. Hi, thanks for comment us. In the first place, in spain is very difficult to do rafting due the laws of enviroment, and a lot of business of rafting don't let normal people to practise rafting. In the second place, we pusblished the other day about rafting paddle technics:
