
Friday 17 April 2015


With its origins in Sweden, the Red Bull Home Run is a crazy race where skiers and snowboarders will compete head to head for being champions.
The number of participants in these competitions is variable, but between 100 and 200, combining both modalities, with a minimum age of 16 years and compulsory helmet.

This race stands out for its originality more than for its difficulty, because if we see that we won´t be able to be champions, we can always look for the best costume in our closets and try the jury choose us for obtain our particular reward.

Red Bull Home Run: Grandvalira #2
Image 1, participant dressed, by Red Bull

Focusing on the characteristics of the competition, this occurs when the ski resort close the ski lifts, in the last descent of the day, leaving a free piste for the rest of the skiers during the day. Participants will be located 100 meters from their snowboard tables or skis behind the starting line. Once the output is started, all participants run the 100 meters to the area where they left their material and rush to put them as quickly as possible and begin to descend, trying to get the first of its category to climb the podium.

Then I'll give you a few tips if your intention is to win the race you may have easier.

The first point to start winning is the starting line. It should be noted that participants whose intention is to have a good time and not going to fight to be first, so we must place ourselves in front of them in the starting line. To gain a good position, go to your appointment on time and do not neglect where when placed in the output.

Red Bull Home Run: Grandvarila #1
Image 2, participants running, by Red Bull

The second step is the placement of the snowboard table or skis. We must leave them with the tips facing slope and spaced approximately the distance between our shoulders, to put us in a jump. With the snowboard table, we simply leave them facing the hillside. Always monitor than any other participant not moves your material when he placing his skis. Finally, to put ourselves in the output, we must always put us right in front of our material, thus traveling the shortest possible distance.

Finally, once we have already put our skis or board and begin to fall, we must descend as quickly as possible but with caution, remember that everyone will go very fast and many of you won´t have the necessary experience in this type of situations. At this point I think it's important to know that we're not in the world cup, is better being in second place than finishing in the hospital

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